Quantum light and Bose-Hubbard simulator
Spatially patterned electrostatic gates can be used to create a potential trap for charged particles. When the spatial dimensions become small, the trap will behave like a quantum dot with quantized levels. The ability to gate control the charge density and confinement gives unprecedented control of the quantum dot's behavior (unlike those created by defects). Coupled with TMDs, the strong spin-orbit coupling gives the potential to control valley and spin states.
These quantum dots can also behave as single-photon emitters, where the confinement allows only one photon to emit from a dot at a given time. When coupled with the electrostatic gates and magnetic fields, the system can selectively emit single photons of a given spin and valley and have a tunable light emission wavelength.
These quantum dots can also behave as single-photon emitters, where the confinement allows only one photon to emit from a dot at a given time. When coupled with the electrostatic gates and magnetic fields, the system can selectively emit single photons of a given spin and valley and have a tunable light emission wavelength.
Quantum dots can also be scaled up to have periodic potentials in the TMD materials. Moiré potentials or spatially patterned gate arrays can be used to generate periodic potential wells for interlayer excitons that can be the basis for Bose-Hubbard physics.